Climates, ventilation, drying and thermal processes

BAH-P, BAH-K and BNN Non Compact Series


This Series covers and unmet need of the market: it provides non compact equipments to insert in conducts and to be aisted by remote aire vents or central cooling equipments. They are also use as direct or integrated modules for the Air Handling Unit. 


The BHA-P Series is use for small and medium provisions and has a capacity that goes from 20.000 to 155.000 Kcal/h. The BAH-K Series is for great provisions and has high performance, that goes from 125.000 to 625.000 Kcal/h. The BNN Series is the Heavy-Duty line and it was exclusively designed for great provisions or projetcs that requires a high performance or high temperatures. It's equipments provides clean air unto 300º C and has a capacity that goes to 100.000 Kcal/h from 1.500.000 Kcal/h.

Technical infrmation


MODEL CODE Cap. Nom. Kcal/h Cap. Efec. Kcal/h A mm. B mm. C mm. D mm. E mm. F mm.  G mm. H mm. I mm. J mm. K mm. L mm.
20- V 20.000 15.000 620 440 950 400 390 100 115 200 770      
BAH-P 25- V 25.000 20.000 620 440 950 400 390 100 115 200 770      
BAH-P 40- V 40.000 32.000 780 590 1.000 500 550 150 120 275 890      
BAH-P 55- V 55.000 45.000 780 590 1.000 500 550 150 120 275 890      
BAH-P 65- V 65.000 50.000 780 590 1.000 500 550 150 120 275 890      
BAH-P 75- V 75.000 60.000 860 790 1.230 600 750 150 140 335 1.090      
BAH-P 95- V 95.000 75.000 860 790 1.230 600 750 150 140 335 1.090      
BAH-P 105- V 105.000 85.000 860 790 1.230 600 750 150 140 335 1.090      
BAH-P 125- V 125.000 100.000 925 1.090 1.475 795 880 200 150 350 1.390      
BAH-P 155- V 155.000 125.000 925 1.090 1.475 795 880 200 150 350 1.390      
BAH-K 130-H 130.000 100.000 1.090 910 1.530 950 720 220.120 130 670 475 1.390 380 765
BAH-K 160-H 160.000 125.000 1.090 910 1.530 950 720 220.120 130 670 475 1.390 380 765
BAH-K 175-H 175.000 140.000 1.240 960 1.575 1.100 770 220.120 185 710 505 1.540 390 785
BAH-K 190-H 190.000 150.000 1.240 960 1.575 1.100 770 220.120 185 710 505 1.540 390 785
BAH-K 200-H 200.000 160.000 1.240 960 1.575 1.100 770 220.120 185 710 505 1.540 390 785
BAH-K 225-H 225.000 180.000 1.490 1.040 1.750 1.360 850 240.130 195 785 545 1.790 440 875
BAH-K 250-H 250.000 200.000 1.490 1.040 1.750 1.360 850 240.130 195 785 545 1.790 440 875
BAH-K 290-H 290.000 230.000 1.490 1.040 1.750 1.360 850 240.130 195 785 545 1.790 440 875
BAH-K 315-H 315.000 250.000 2.040 1.270 2.060 1.900 1.080 320.200 230 785 660 2.340 515 1.030
BAH-K 350-H 350.000 280.000 2.040 1.270 2.060 1.900 1.080 320.200 230 785 660 2.340 515 1.030
BAH-K 395-H 395.000 315.000 2.040 1.270 2.060 1.900 1.080 320.200 230 785 660 2.340 515 1.030
BAH-K 440-H 440.000 350.000 2.040 1.270 2.060 1.900 1.080 320.200 230 785 660 2.340 515 1.030
BAH-K 500-H 500.000 400.000 2.350 1.510 2.400 2.210 1.320 470.225 235 1.155 780 2.650 600 1.200
BAH-K 560-H 560.000 450.000 2.350 1.510 2.400 2.210 1.320 470.225 235 1.155 780 2.650 600 1.200
BAH-K 625-H 625.000 500.000 2.350 1.510 2.400 2.210 1.320 470.225 235 1.155 780 2.650 600 1.200