Boker: a long lasting brand

Boker is a brand of thermo-mechanical engineering equipments specialized in heating, air conditioning, ventilation, drying and thermal processes. From its start at the beginning of the XX century, it has accompanied the growth of national industry, of trade areas and both domestic and industrial consumption, in public and work spaces.

Boker is a brand of thermo-mechanical engineering equipments specialized in heating, air conditioning, ventilation, drying and thermal processes.

Its arrival coincided with the birth of the new century, the renewal of promises for the building of a model country and the idea of progress as a definitive goal in all ventures and national developments, a challenge that Boker would surpass with ease, generating valuable contributions from its area of specialization. Boker takes pride in being responsible for a series of historical events concerning the nation’s industry, which are listed amongst the most memorable moments of the brand.

It imported the Lacroce train line and was one of the first brands to import steel into the country. It was the main supplier of heating equipments for a major part of hotel chains, Buenos Aires’ public buildings and several Argentinean provinces, with installations of boilers and equipments from other brands such as Iguazú, Royal Gas, Lanin, Thermovector and the recognized home equipments, Leño Gas.
Moreover, it was the first manufacturing brand of industrial burners and thermal process ovens, in its beginnings using their own technology and later on with technologies imported from Germany.

It imported the Lacroce train line and was one of the first brands to import steel into the country.

It also created one of the most important metallographic laboratories in the country, at the service of its clients. In addition, it was a steel producing brand in Germany, sending wolfrang as a raw material mined from the San Juan province.

These and other developments positioned Boker as one of the most prestigious and trustworthy national brands. It knew how to respond to the demand of local consumption in each one of the social and economical scenarios gestated throughout its decades, developing new equipment lines, incorporating cutting-edge technologies, launching new models to the market and updating the design on those that were up to date and well functioning.

The company's organization and work methodologies evolved to cover the needs of its clients and their projects.

Similarly, the company’s organization and work methodologies evolved to cover the needs of its clients and their projects, even implementing a “turnkey” modality on certain works. With this incorporation the brand inaugurated its Department of Civil Works, comprised by a technical staff qualified to operate in works for any type of industry.

Consulting, budget, design, manufacture, instalation, equipment check and post sale customer services.

Work specialization was translated into the division of different technical departments, each one of them advocated to the various stages of a project: consulting, budget, design, manufacture, installation, equipment check and post sale customer services.
Sporting more than a century in the national market, Boker’s professional commitment and its brand promise have persevered throughout its path: to accompany the growth of industry and to offer technological and competitive solutions to its clients through an integral service that guarantees the excellence in the processes and quality of products.

Accompany the growth of industry and to offer technological and competitive solutions to its clients.